News about ICU
Medical software, ICU software, Anaesthesia software, Ob-Gyn software.
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Digital Transformation at the Abbeville Hospital: Computerization of Critical Care
Discover how the Abbeville Hospital has modernised its critical care services through digital transformation with the Diane software from BOW MEDICAL. Cyril DUFLOT, the hospital’s IT director, discusses the challenges and benefits of this deployment within the GHT.
Digital Transformation at the Abbeville Hospital: Computerization of Critical Care
Discover how the Abbeville Hospital has modernised its critical care services through digital transformation with the Diane software from BOW MEDICAL. Cyril DUFLOT, the hospital’s IT director, discusses the challenges and benefits of this deployment within the GHT.
All news about ICU
Critical Care Computerization: A Team Project
Discover how the ICU and operating theatre at the Arnault Tzanck Medical-Surgical Institute is improving care quality through digitalization—exclusive interview with Dr. Laurie Tran on the implementation of the Diane ICU software.
Key Features of Diane Icu That Enhance Patient Care
Find out how Diane Icu is revolutionising intensive care thanks to its innovative functionalities, enabling efficient data management and improved care coordination to optimise patient care.
Neonatal Intensive Care: Optimise Care and Management
Learn how Diane Nicu, in partnership with Logipren, is improving and securing neonatal intensive care with innovative tools to guarantee precision and safety in the management of premature and pathological newborns.
Efficient management of the intensive care unit and its benefits
Diane Icu is an innovative and essential solution for improving the management and care of patients in these complex environments.
Bow Medical and AiScreenings Announce Innovative Partnership to Enhance Patient Care in Intensive Care Units
An innovative partnership that allows Bow Medical to draw on AiScreenings’ expertise in the intelligent generation of ICU reports.
Managing the delivery and planning of care
Improve care planning: unperformed, unplanned, unscheduled and replace plans more easily.
Optimizing the monitoring of the patient’s medical devices
DIANE : Logiciel de Soins Critiques en Version 4.10 Evolution of the Body Diagram The...
Securing drug administration
DIANE features a system for printing labels to identify the patient and the drug preparation included in the syringe.
Synthesizing the clinical situation
The Summary View allows all the staff of the ICU service to access essential information from the patient’s medical file.
Resumption of patients’ previous treatments
On the consultation module, the treatment tab facilitates the entry and management of the patient’s usual treatment.
Securing the medical record
Caregivers can continue the patient’s care while filling in the data specific to his or her arrival in the new unit.
Strengthen information sharing within health care teams
The cockpit in DIANE ANAESTHESIA, version 4.9, allows displaying and visualize the currently opened files as well as the PAC and the ICU discharge signature.
Facilitate the decision-making
Measurement and access to the record data reflect the patient’s overall condition. Entry/exit fluid balance is a key in the care of the patient in the ICU.
Facilitate the assessment of the clinical situation
In the prescription window, it is now possible to prescribe a treatment with a dosage in mg/h or gamma/kg/min.
Dilution Required
Diane new version 4.8 — It is possible to make dilution mandatory depending on the drug when prescribing.
The Care List
Diane Version 4.8– In the new version of Diane, it is possible to access the Care List application directly from the cockpit.
The Titration
Diane’s evolution in version 4.8- Dosage protocol prescription. The dosage protocol window is composed of 3 different sections.
The Blood Bag
This new version of Diane in version 4.8 allows associating a dosage volume with the prescribed blood bag.
Retrieval of Prescription
The new version, Diane 4.8. The printing of the drug collection plan is now available from two different places in DIANE.
Patient Portal Evolution
Update of Diane in Version 4.8 — The patient portal is enhanced with new functionalities distributed in three different areas.