The Blood Bag

03 August, 2021

Evolution of Diane in version 4.8

The new update to the software DIANE has new applications to their modules. One of them is “The Blood Bag” which we will present in this article.

This new version of Diane in version 4.8 allows associating a dosage volume with the prescribed blood bag.
This option can be activated for each drug in the “dosage” configuration window.

To associate them, it is necessary to enter the volume of the dosage associated with the blood bag when making the prescription.

The information entered for each blood bag is visible from the care plan.

If you are interested in this update of DIANE, or in our solutions for ICU, Anaesthesia or Ob-Gyn, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to assist you via our “CONTACT FORM” or via email:

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