Optimizing the monitoring of the patient’s medical devices

07 February, 2023

DIANE : Logiciel de Soins Critiques en Version 4.10

Evolution of the Body Diagram

The body diagram evolves in DIANE version 4.10 and integrates new features such as:

  • The “Ventilation” category
  • The addition of the Sacrum area
  • Separate comment sections regarding medical instructions and nursing information
  • A blue visual “i” marker for medical device placement information
  • The optimization of the care planning system

Improvement of the overall window for the Central Venous Line

The area on the left allows you to enter the monitoring data of the device

A. The entry of the fluid balance and the scores associated with the devices is carried out from this area.

B. Associated images and photos.

C. Plan the medical follow-up of the patient.

It is possible to edit and modify, complete or correct the information of a form entered by a peer.

The Visual Assistance in the form of a warning sign indicates the editing of a form entered by another person.

The interventions, carried out afterwards, can be visualized when consulting the modified form by hovering over the attention panel.

Medical comment section

After selecting the relevant medical device, a comment entry window opens. From this window, specific instructions can be given for the selected device.

The medical comment is available from the prescription plan.

Nurse comment section

There is a comment area on the right-hand side for the nurse to enter information.

The “I” on the left allows feedback from the insertion form when entering the follow-up. In this example, when entering the marker of the intubation probe, it is possible to know the initial location of the probe.

About DIANE:

DIANE allows you to monitor and track your patients accurately.

In anaesthesia: DIANE ANAESTHESIA is installed in 2,800 operating theatres in France and abroad. DIANE ANAESTHESIA includes outpatient anaesthesia consultation and postoperative follow-up.

In intensive care: DIANE ICU offers a prescription engine and a CE-labeled care plan. DIANE ICU proposes a complete patient file for all intensive care staff retrieving data from biology, pharmacy, microbiology, etc. DIANE ICU is installed in more than 660 intensive care beds of any critical care.

For Obstetrics and Gynaecology: DIANE OB-GYN enables monitoring for mothers and children. DIANE OB-GYN covers the follow-up from the declaration of pregnancy to the postnatal period. DIANE OB-GYN provides a single file for the caregivers at all stages of the pregnancy.

For more information on the new developments of DIANE, feel free to contact us:

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