Synthesizing the clinical situation

26 January, 2023

DIANE : Logiciel de Soins Critiques en Version 4.10

The features of the Summary View

It allows all the staff of the ICU service to access essential information from the patient’s medical file.

The Summary View is accessible from the portal or the patient’s file.

The view allows for efficient transmissions and a better understanding of the clinical situation.

The Summary View is divided into several zones:

Zone A: Patient’s physiological data

Zone B: Summary of the patient’s medical history

Zone C: Resume of prescriptions and drug administrations,

Zone D: Targeted nursing notes

Zone E: Overview of medical device monitoring of the patient

It is possible to enhance the summary view with additional information, depending on the role of the caregivers. In this example, we detail the view of a doctor. At the top of this screen, we can notice the added sections containing :

  • The display of the patient’s fluid balance
  • Elements considered important
  • Laboratory results
  • The staff conclusion summary, which is editable for the addition of remarks

Each zone has an icon in the top right-hand corner to display more detail when clicked.

It is also possible to display the completed prescriptions for the last “x” hours.

About DIANE:

DIANE allows you to monitor and track your patients accurately.

In anaesthesia: DIANE ANAESTHESIA is installed in 2,800 operating theatres in France and abroad. DIANE ANAESTHESIA includes outpatient anaesthesia consultation and postoperative follow-up.

In intensive care: DIANE ICU offers a prescription engine and a CE-labeled care plan. DIANE ICU proposes a complete patient file for all intensive care staff retrieving data from biology, pharmacy, microbiology, etc. DIANE ICU is installed in more than 660 intensive care beds of any critical care.

For Obstetrics and Gynaecology: DIANE OB-GYN enables monitoring for mothers and children. DIANE OB-GYN covers the follow-up from the declaration of pregnancy to the postnatal period. DIANE OB-GYN provides a single file for the caregivers at all stages of the pregnancy.

For more information on the new developments of DIANE, feel free to contact us:

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