New Body Diagram in 3D

The body diagram is one of the most important improvements of the version in DIANE in 4.7.5.

The body diagram gives a three-dimensional visualization of the patient. It allows the graphic representation of the treatments carried out on the different parts of the body.

Applying a new care plan and associating it with a dedicated protocol, is accomplished in just a few clicks. Updates to the care plan are done automatically, and all the information entered in this module is systematically transferred to it. 

360° Manipulation of the Body Diagram

The right-hand windows symbolize a simplified view of the patient from the front or back. A click on an area where the care will be applied and it automatically generates a zoom on the body part concerned, highlighting the cares in progress in the zone.

In addition to the ZOOM function, and in order to simplify the 3D manipulation of the body diagram, specific “type, camera roll” buttons have been added allowing the 3D rotation of the model.

On the left side of the screen you can select and display the care according to the following criteria : 

  • Future scheduled care plan
  • Overdue plan care 
  • History of the care provided 
  • History of planned care

4 types of care are available:

  • Tract care in blue 
  • Drainage type care in red 
  • Dressing care in green 
  • Other types of care in orange

To add new care to the body diagram, simply select the area with a simple mouse click, choose the care item with the possibility of designing the area where the treatment is to be applied. Once validated, the care entry window will allow you to define the protocol associated with this treatment.

Example of the application of a dressing : 

The date of care (planning), the associated score if available, the type of dressing, and the associated monitoring protocol. Once the protocol has been defined and validated, the care plan is automatically updated, making it possible to view the care performed and the planning of the next care.

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