ANAESTHESIA Tutorial Video Transcription of paper medical orders in Version 4.9
In this tutorial video, you can learn how to use the feature to transcribe paper prescriptions with DIANE & POSOS. The AI technology proposed by our partner POSOS, allows recognizing treatments and dosages of a prescription and exporting them into the DIANE...
ANAESTHESIA & ICU Tutorial Video: The infant’s body diagram in Version 4.9
The body diagram illustrating the morphology of an infant is available in version 4.9 of the DIANE. The diagram is available up to the age of 3 years old. In this tutorial video, you can learn how to use the infant's body diagram in Version 4.9....
ANAESTHESIA & ICU Tutorial Video Resuming a patient’s usual previous treatments in Version 4.9
On the consultation module, from the premedication tab, it is possible to retrieve a patient's previous treatments. In this tutorial video, you can learn how to use the functionality of resuming a patient's usual old treatments. https://youtu.be/Ef-iqRJg8kk
ANAESTHESIA & ICU Tutorial Video: Management of staff’s categories in Version 4.9
Management of staff categories To better manage the staff, It is possible to choose the type of personnel to be displayed in the rooms. In this tutorial video, you can learn how to use the staff category management feature. https://youtu.be/3MoLFlRbONY
ANAESTHESIA & ICU Tutorial Video: Managing the transfer of data during a patient’s transfer in Version 4.9
In this tutorial video, you can learn how to use the functionality of the traceability of patient transfers between care units. In case of a transfer from the intensive care unit to the continuing care unit, it is possible to determine the elements for which we would...
ANAESTHESIA & ICU Tutorial Video: Dosing display on the care plan in Version 4.9
Facilitate the assessment of the clinical situation In this tutorial video, you can learn how to use the functionality of the Dosing Display on the care plan. In the prescription window, it is possible to determine treatment with a dosage in mg/h or gamma/kg/min. Once...
ANAESTHESIA: Tutorial video “Using the cockpit in Anaesthesia” in Version 4.9
Strengthen communication within health care teams In this tutorial video, you can learn how to use the cockpit in anaesthesia. https://youtu.be/f0a2CCE0IlI
ANAESTHESIA & ICU Tutorial Video Data exchange during a patient transfer in version 4.9
In this tutorial video, you can learn how to use the Data exchange during a patient transfer. When transferring from the ICU to a CSU, for example, the caregivers receiving the patient need to take over the clinical situation and continue the management of the...
ANAESTHESIA & ICU Tutorial Video: Body Diagram when taking over the Previous Data in Version 4.9
Strengthen information sharing within health care teams It is possible to retrieve information from a previous monitoring form in order to complete the current form in one click. In this tutorial video, you can learn how to use the feature of retrieving information...
ICU Tutorial Video: “Fluid Balance Display” in version 4.9
Facilitate decision-making In this tutorial video, you can learn how to use the fluid balance display functionality. https://youtu.be/8XGNVkH-_4o
ANAESTHESIA. Tutorial Video: Cognitive Assistance for bed recognition in Version 4.9.
Improve the safety of care In this tutorial video, you can learn how to use the “Cognitive Assistance for Bed Recognition” feature. https://youtu.be/e3QEuzGv0m0
ANAESTHESIA: Tutorial Video Webinar “Evolution of DIANE in Version 4.8”
In this area, you will find the Webinar “Evolution of DIANE in version 4.8”. The new features are explained in detail in this tutorial video, but, you can also find each feature explained separately. The videos are listed in the tab “Webinar” under the title...
ANAESTHESIA: Tutorial Video The Central Printing DIANE in Version 4.8
In this tutorial, you will find the details on how to use the function of "Central Printing" in DIANE 4.8 https://youtu.be/j2JRBE1k0o8 If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our teams.
ANAESTHESIA: Tutorial Video The Management of Treatment DIANE in Version 4.7.5 and 4.8
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the function "Management of Treatment in Consultation" in DIANE Version 4.8 https://youtu.be/FUdkE377Isc If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our team.
ANAESTHESIA: Tutorial Video Master Computer and Mirror Station DIANE in Version 4.8
In this tutorial, you will find the details of the function "Master Computer and Mirror Station" https://youtu.be/Oix2F4F4JzE If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our team.
ANAESTHESIA: Tutorial Video The Structured Prescription DIANE in Version 4.8
In this tutorial, you will find the detail of the function "Structured Prescription". https://youtu.be/W7mfu_dwQjY If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact our team.
ANAESTHESIA: Tutorial Video The Pre-Operative Status DIANE in Version 4.8
In this tutorial, you will be able to find the details on how to use the function of the "Pre-Operative Status" in DIANE Version 4.8. https://youtu.be/i-MF_FZZgtE If you have any questions or concerns about this or our other functionalities, please do not hesitate to...
ANAESTHESIA: Tutorial Video The Dental Scheme DIANE in version 4.8
In this tutorial, the details of the function "Dental Scheme" of DIANE in version 4.8 are explained in detail. https://youtu.be/jY-ptaE9tHI Please do not hesitate to contact our team if you have any questions or concerns.
ICU Tutorial Video: Patient Portal DIANE in Version 4.8
The patient portal is enhanced with new functionalities distributed in three different areas. . On the left side, you can find all the patient’s (1) On the left side, you can find all the patient’s information, the reason for hospitalization, and the health care team...
ICU Tutorial Video: Enquiry Tool DIANE in Version 4.8
To assist clinicians in research and practice improvement, Bow Medical has upgraded its inquiry tool in DIANE 4.8 In this article, we will discuss how to perform an advanced query in DIANE's database. For this, we will review the following points: Creating one or more...
ICU Tutorial Video: Connected Syringe Pump DIANE in Version 4.8
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use this new functionality. https://youtu.be/NoOem2ZHXoc If you would like more information, please contact us direction.marketing@bowmedical.com or direction.commerciale@bowmedical.com
ICU Tutorial Video: Body Diagram 3D DIANE in Version 4.8
The body diagram is one of the most important improvements of the version in DIANE in 4.8 The body diagram gives a three-dimensional visualization of the patient. It allows the graphic representation of the treatments carried out on the different parts of the body....
ICU Tutorial Video: Dilution Required DIANE in Version 4.8
In this video, you will learn more about the "Dilution Required" https://youtu.be/r2Uf51A_hhU Diane in Version 4.8 In this new version, the software makes it possible to make the dilution required at the moment of the prescription. This new option is set from the...
ICU Tutorial Video: The Care List DIANE in Version 4.8
In the new version of Diane, it is possible to access the Care List application directly from the cockpit. We present in this video how to implement the feature. https://youtu.be/PovrZQwmmNo On the screenshot below, it is possible to identify 4 different areas. With...
ICU Tutorial Video: The Titration DIANE in Version 4.8
Diane upgrades to version 4.8 In this video, we show step by step how to use the function of "Titration" https://youtu.be/zWC3_a_SKWo This new feature allows prescribing titration protocols, and it is accessible from the prescription tab The titration protocol window...
ICU Tutorial Video: The Blood Bag DIANE in Version 4.8
Evolution of Diane in version 4.8 https://youtu.be/bnkwTGLL3rI The new update to the software DIANE has new applications to their modules. One of them is "The Blood Bag" which we will present in this article. This new version of Diane in version 4.8 allows associating...
ICU Tutorial Video: Webinare “Evolution of DIANE in Version 4.8”
In this area, you will find the Webinar "Evolution of DIANE in version 4.8". The new features are explained in detail in this tutorial video, but, you can also find each feature explained separately. The videos are listed in the tab "Webinar"....